Louvered ZIRA panels can be formed using a variety of processes, from CNC-milling to laser-cut tracery. For designs looking to add texture or control light, Louvered ZIRA provides a range of possibilities, both in function and aesthetics. The perforations allow light and air flow while providing a physical barrier, and also create a unique texture of the building’s surface.
Louvered ZIRA system uses a United States registered patent owned by Zahner. The system works by three-dimensionalizing perforations using tabbed or folded perforation. Any laser-cut or milled shape can be formed into a micro louver on the surface of the metal. The machine cuts partial perforations with folded tabs, and opens the tab by folding the tab back.
In addition to providing unique aesthetics, designers can develop passive temperature control by by positioning the angle of the tabs in relation to the sun’s trajectory. This passive heating and cooling benefit is further increased by the metal’s function as a second skin and air barrier.
This system can aid a wide range of applications, from parking structures and screenwalls, to landscape designs and guardrail systems.