Zahner Facade Canopy Mockup for Venice Biennale 2014
Zahner joins an exhibit curated by Alejandro Zaera-Polo for the 14th Venice Biennale.
In June 2014, A. Zahner Company was invited to the 14th Venice Biennale as part of the Alejandro Zaera-Polo-curated Facades Exhibit. Zahner selected a front-facing facade canopy mockup designed by KieranTimberlake for the Suzanne Roberts Theatre, which was shipped to the Biennale and will be on view through November, 2014.
From Alejandro Zaera-Polo:
Library projects fabricated with Zahner engineering benefit from high-quality craft and attention to detail. Zahner engineers work with designers and contractors to develop integrated systems which meet a range of desired aesthetics. See a range of best practices and architectural inspiration for libraries.
Over the past 100 years, the facade has seen the explosive growth of a number of distinct species, each with their own environmental niche, cultural context, virtues and vices, histories, and dynamically evolving narratives. Some species have appeared suddenly, having burst into a wide proliferation seemingly overnight, some have taken years of development to achieve a degree of fitness, while others have enjoyed a period of interest and then fallen into obscurity, and even extinction.
The environmental stressors which drive these changes are often forgotten, hidden behind a superficial understanding of the facade which has traditionally focused on style, composition, and representation. Technological advances, cultural contingencies, social orders, economic cycles, and political ideologies are not so much represented in the facades as literally embodied in a layered, three-dimensional entanglement of matter. The understanding of these processes requires us to address material embodiment rather than material representation as the core architectural understanding of the building envelope.
These are processes which have less to do with a historical sequence of moments of invention than with the understanding of dynamic ecologies of materials and technologies, their diffusion, application, and environmental adaptation. They cannot be understood as singular artifacts frozen in time and space: they sit within a historical fabric that includes other architectural materials and assemblages that inform our understanding of the evolution of envelope technologies.

The Façade Room in the Elements of Architecture Exhibition features real samples of 12 facade species which have been developed over the last century, some generic and some unique. This collection of disembodied facades is presented alongside materials which aim to capture the cultural, political, and social contexts which they embody rather than represent.
Newspaper cuts, film stills, advertising posters, heroes and villains will display a texture of attachments to the physical embodiments in the assemblages. The full scale and high resolution of these artifacts eschews a superficial understanding of the façade as a representation in favor of a series of material ecologies belonging to each assemblage.