Zahner recognized by White House Secretary of Commerce
CEO meets with White House Secretary of Commerce.
CEO L. William Zahner accepted an exclusive invitation from the White House Business Council to participate in the American Economic Competitiveness Forum on Manufacturing. As one of thirty nationally recognized industry leaders in manufacturing, Mr. Zahner met on Thursday, August 16th, with senior White House and Administration officials on issues important to the manufacturing industry.
As part of a series of discussions, this meeting was tailored to focus on industry sectors and policy areas critical to America’s long-term economic competitiveness. Obama Administration officials shared their perspective for supporting American’s innovators and entrepreneurs as well as fielded questions from the thirty participants.

White House and National Monument in Washington D.C.
Photo by U.S. Air Force Tech. Sgt. Andy Dunaway.
For more information, visit the U.S. Department of Commerce Blog, where Acting Secretary Dr. Rebecca Blank talks Administration Support for American Manufacturing in a guest post.